Make it a Night to Remember

Underage drinking is preventable, not inevitable.
Tips for Teens
Going out? Don't get stuck.
Name 3 contact numbers of trusted adults in your phone. These are people that can be called in case of an emergency. (Ex. “Mom ICE”)
ICE = In Case of Emergency
Choose a “safe emoji” as code fin case you need a safe way to get out of an unsafe situation.
Know where you are and where you are going; keep your parents and friends informed.
Use the ‘Share Location’ or ‘Drop A Pin’ feature on your smartphone.
Talk to your parents in advance about how you will get home safely.
If someone else is driving you, make sure your parents have their cell phone number.
If your teen is a guest
at someone's party
About the risks, rules, and consequences of underage drinking and drug use.
- Who are you going with?
- What adults will be supervising?
- Get a phone number of the parents hosting the party, and make sure it works.
- What is the address of party?
- When does the party start and end?
- Enforce a curfew.
- How are you getting home?
Instead of leaving night-of prom, they can go the next morning.
If you don’t feel comfortable with your teen going to a certain party – it’s okay to say ‘no, you can’t go’.
Hosting a party?
Any time you have a party where there is alcohol and teens, try these safeguards to make sure no one under age 21 is drinking at your house.
- Keep alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages separated and clearly labeled.
- Designate an adult to serve any alcohol.
- Consider hiring a bartender.
- Secure any extra alcohol away in a separate area.
- Put a lock on fridges in garages or basements.
More ideas on safely storing alcohol and medicine, visit
- Have a permanent marker to write the person’s name.
- Use clear cups for those under age 21.
Have a guest list and get cell phone numbers of parents in advance.
- Make rules known ahead of time.
- Be present – supervise the party
- Have activities (games, movies, etc.)
- Check the woods – teens may hide alcohol in advance
- Check backpacks – no water bottles that are not sealed.
or call parents to have kids picked-up for breaking rules.
- Graduation party
- Pre-prom or Prom party
- Summer or holiday party
- Birthdays
- BBQ’s
- Any time there are teens and alcohol at your home at the same time.
Know the signs & Call for help
Know the signs of alcohol poisoning and drug overdose.
Call 911 for assistance and immediate treatment.
- Passing out, semi-conscious
- Cold, pale or bluish skin
- Vomiting
- Slow or irregular breathing
- Seizures
New Jersey’s 911 Lifeline Legislation will protect you. – Passed March, 12 2009
Purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol is illegal for those under the minimum legal drinking age of 21. However, this legislation provides immunity from prosecution when the steps below are followed:
1. CALL for help. One of the underage persons call 9-1-1 and reports the another underage person is in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption. The underage person is the first person to make the 9-1-1 report;
2. STAY with your friend. The underage person (and, if applicable, one or two others acting in concert with the underage person who made the 9-1-1 call) remains on the scene with the underage person in need of medical assistance; and
3. TALK with authorities. The underage person who called 9-1-1 (and if applicable, one or two others acting in concert with the caller), provide their names to the 9-1-1 operator and cooperate with medical assistance and law enforcement personnel on the scene.
The underage person who is receiving medical assistance is also immune from prosecution. This immunity applies to public and private property.
New Jersey’s Overdose Prevention Bill will protect you. – Passed April 29, 2013
New Jersey former Gov. Chris Christie signed a law that encourages people to report drug overdoses without fear of being arrested. Under the law, those who call 911 to report overdoses will be immune from arrest and prosecution for drug possession if they
- Call 911
- Stay with the person
- Speak with authorities when they arrive.
This law also protects the person overdosing.
STOP & Think - UAD Prevention
Find more underage drinking prevention here