- 908-782-3909
- safecoalition@njprevent.com
Underage Drinking Prevention

Underage Drinking is Preventable
Two of the most celebrated dates in December – Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve – are also among the most dangerous. In 2018, drunk driving crashes claimed 108 lives in those two days alone, accounting for nearly half of total traffic deaths.
Overdose Awareness Day (ODAD) event at, the Open Door Recovery Center/Harvest, you are all cordially invited to attend. Please share at meetings, with friends and family, send personal invites if appropriate. Below is a short blurb you can use for your invite description.
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on 31st of August each year and aims to raise awareness of overdoseand reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends, remembering those who have passed or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. Please join us on Monday, August 31st for International OverdoseAwareness Day 2021, at The Open-Door Recovery Center, from 5:00-7:00 PM., (see further details in flyer attached).
Please help by sharing this event, International OverdoseAwareness Day spreads the message that the tragedy of overdosedeath, is preventable.
National Night Out
You are cordially invited to join the [dogwalkerwatch.live/safe]Dog Walker Watch by HCYC (Hunterdon County Youth Coalition) and the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office.
We are asking that you sign up to help keep our community safe (no dog required)
We would also like to invite you and you furry friends to join us at the Horseshoe Bend Park (off-leash dog area) on June 15, 2021, 3pm – 6pm.
· Prosecutor’s Office K9 Unit Meet & Greet and Demonstration
· Giveaways!!
Safe Communities Coalition launched a social media campaign throughout April for Alcohol Awareness Month that included over 40 informational and video posts in English and Spanish. Topics included STOP & Think Before the Drink, Parents Hold the Key, Make it a Night to Remember, Safe Celebrations, HELP App, (911 Lifeline Legislation) Overdose and Binge Drinking Prevention, Intoxicated Driving, College Drinking statistics, Hotlines, and Addiction. Research publications included “Cost of Excessive Alcohol Use” (CDC), and “Age of Drinking Onset Predicts Future Alcohol Dependence” (NIH).
April 20, 2021
6:30 pm EST
Register here! http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=vnbh489ab&oeidk=a07ehqv9xuy0f6fe6ca
This event is a town hall to ask mental health questions to our panel of prevention staff and medical residents from Hunterdon Medical Center. https://njprevent.com/town-hall/
Partnership with Positive YOUth and Drug Free Task Force held a prevention activities for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW). Included prevention trivia games and prizes. Weeklong event was attended by high school students in Hunterdon and Somerset counties via Zoom. Trivia included all workgroup topics. Students shared their knowledge and creative work on these topics to peers. Teens were incentivized with prizes for trivia and bringing friends. https://njprevent.com/ndafw/
March 4, 2021
7:30-9:00pm EST
Outcome: In partnership with Hunterdon Medical Center, held Parent Town Hall virtual event, https://njprevent.com/town-hall/, as part of a Town Hall Series, where community members ask Residents mental health questions. Attended by 77 target audience.
Outcome: Teen Town Hall– Partnership with Hunterdon Medical Center, teens asked mental health questions to our panel of prevention staff and medical residents from Hunterdon Medical Center. Attended by 76 target audience.
Registration still open – VIRTUAL
Watch recorded sessions, receive up 12 CEUs
Two of the most celebrated dates in December – Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve – are also among the most dangerous. In 2018, drunk driving crashes claimed 108 lives in those two days alone, accounting for nearly half of total traffic deaths.
OUTCOME: Safe Celebrations, in partnership with Drug-Free Task Force and Positive YOUth, launched holiday media campaign that reached over 3,000 community members. Initiative included 4 posts in English and Spanish, 2 video PSAs (“Happy Holidays”, and “Safe New Year”), and 1 Podcast (“Home for the Holidays”).
Registration still open – VIRTUAL
Watch recorded sessions, receive up 12 CEUs
Create your account and start the challenge!
Welcome to our 30-Day November Challenge! This challenge is for the whole community so please share with your friends and family. HCYC, Positive YOUth and the Drug-Free Task Force are working together to promote health and wellness in our community.
The 30-Day Wellness Challenge will promote wellness by encouraging participants to perform different tasks each day of the week.
Do something every day in November. Descriptions and examples are provided for you once you register.
August 2020: Safe Communities Coalition partnered with Empower Somerset to host a virtual underage drinking prevention event, “Don’t be a friend, be a parent”. Event featured special guest speaker, Eavan Vallero, who shared her story about consequences of drinking and driving. Eavan was also featured in the Coalition’s documentary, “In a Split Second” (2011). This event also included informational video about social hosting and trivia. Attended by 13 parents and 3 youth.
HCYC’s “Step up for a Cause” will be a weekly step challenge featuring different weekly causes/topics.
Underage Drinking Prevention Week will be featured for WEEK 1, starting this Sunday, June 28 through Saturday, July 4, 2020.
OUTCOME: “Step-Up for a Cause” step challenge provided a virtual, summer-long opportunity for community members to participate in healthy activities while raising awareness. This initiative helped build capacity with new membership in HCYC, improve the community by providing goals of health and educate about: UAD, LGBTQ+, Vaping, Alternatives to Opioids, safe Rx storage and disposal, Love My Lungs pledge, One Voice of Hunterdon County, Mental Illness, Marijuana. Outcome: 130 participants of all ages.
OUTCOME: Campaign included the creation of PSA’s in English (12) and Spanish (3). Reduced language barriers as well as expanded partnership and outreach to at-risk populations.
“Congrats Grads” Banners and Yard Signs. Partnered with key stakeholders, all 5 Hunterdon regional High Schools, local businesses, and residents.
“Congrats Grads” video initiativereached 14,424 and featured messages from 13 community members, school superintendent and teachers, law enforcement, and business owners.
Held first Watch Party for “Casey” (2019) on Facebook. Overall, “Casey” (2019) has over 16,000 reaches.
The Safe Communities Coalition sponsored a Prevention Scholarship to Hunterdon & Somerset County, NJ current High School Students. Essays were accepted in both English and Spanish.
Essay Scholarship Contest
OUTCOME: We have worked with schools to help fill educational classroom requirements for health classes, including 2 prevention contests. Aimed to engage students with prevention projects in both Hunterdon and Somerset counties. Students were asked to watch documentaries, (Fentanyl Factor, Pills to Heroin, In a Split Second), and discuss creative solutions on a community level. “Prevention Scholarship Contest” and was also offered in Spanish to reduce language barriers. Received essays in both English and Spanish. Reached 17, 566 community members. In addition, “Tackling Prevention Contest”, Safe Coalition partnered with Immaculata High School to allow this project to fill a Health Class or Gym requirement for students. Scholarship contest winners received scholarship and certificates.
OUTCOME: Launched a comprehensive, week-long “Spring Break Challenge” event for Elementary through High School aged youth. 118 Total number of target population participants for Spring Break Challenge. Provided Information covered all workgroup initiatives; UAD, Rx, Marijuana, and Vaping. Provided Support to teens during global crisis. Enhanced Skills of targeted population to learn about substance abuse via Kahoot! Games and other activities.
OUTCOME: Partnership with Lord & Taylor, featured UAD safe prom information to at least 15 attendees at their event, “Prom 2020: One Stop Shop at Lord+Taylor”. This event launched newest campaign, “Make it a Night to Remember” brochure. Also provided, “Parents that Host Lose the Most” UAD rack cards, and more.
OUTCOME: 20 HCYC (Hunterdon County Youth Coalition) members implemented Underage Drinking Prevention Sticker Shock initiative in both English and Spanish; reached 10,000 community members, partnered with 9 local restaurant businesses. Also implemented Underage Tobacco Purchase Prevention Sticker Shock initiative; reached 1,232 community members, partnered with 9 local restaurant businesses.
Safe Celebrations
Seasonal information about safeguarding against risks of celebratory drinking.
Features sharable PSAs in English and Spanish.

Make it a Night to Remember
Best tips from parents and teens on how to keep your parties safe and your teens safe at parties.
Parents Hold the Key
Parents Hold the Key is a collaborative initiative to help reduce unintended access to substances in your home.
Resources in English and Spanish.

More Outcomes
Learn more about our Underage Drinking Prevention initiatives.
April: Safe Communities Coalition Underage Drinking (UAD) Workgroup launched a social media campaign throughout April for Alcohol Awareness Month that included 35 informational and video posts in English and Spanish. Topics included STOP & Think Before the Drink, Parents Hold the Key, Make it a Night to Remember, Safe Celebrations, HELP App, (911 Lifeline Legislation) Overdose and Binge Drinking Prevention, Intoxicated Driving, College Drinking statistics, Hotlines, and Addiction. Research publications included “Cost of Excessive Alcohol Use” (CDC), and “Age of Drinking Onset Predicts Future Alcohol Dependence” (NIH).
Published Ad (Quarter Page Sized) featured in Hunterdon Living magazine, in their Spring issue (camps/home improvement edition), promoting Safe home storage, Parents Hold the Key https://njprevent.com/parentsholdthekey/
March: Partnership with Positive YOUth and Drug Free Task Force held a prevention activities for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW). Included prevention trivia games and prizes. Weeklong event was attended by high school students in Hunterdon and Somerset counties via Zoom. Trivia included all workgroup topics. Students shared their knowledge and creative work on these topics to peers. Teens were incentivized with prizes for trivia and bringing friends. https://njprevent.com/ndafw/
In partnership with Hunterdon Medical Center, held Parent Town Hall virtual event, https://njprevent.com/town-hall/, as part of a Town Hall Series, where community members ask Residents questions. Attended by 77 target audience.
Partnership with YOUth Positively Speaking released podcast episode: Why does this continue to happen? Featured speakers included, Evelyn Piazza, local parent.
February: Partnership with Drug-Free Task Force and Positive YOUth completed focus group on alcohol, and underage drinking. Participants in the focus group included professionals in the community that work and interact with teens.
Partnership with Positive YOUth launched podcast, “Alcohol & Your Body”. Featured speakers included, Dr. Christopher West from Hunterdon Medical Center.
Coalition Chairs, Amy Menes of Hunterdon and Jerri Collevechio of Somerset, met with Dr. Aaron White, PhD regarding alcohol, screening interventions, and prevention strategies.
Partnership with YOUth Positively Speaking released podcast episode: Stories from the Street – Tim’s Story (hazing). Featured speaker include Evelyn Piazza.
January: Teen Town Hall– Partnership with Hunterdon Medical Center, teens asked mental health questions to our panel of prevention staff and medical residents from Hunterdon Medical Center. Attended by 76 target audience (https://njprevent.com/town-hall/)
Finalized 4 ads for Hunterdon Living magazine that will be featured April 8 (Parents Hold the Key), June 3 (Night to Remember), October 7 (HELP App), and December 16 (Safe Celebrations) 2021.
December 2020: Safe Celebrations, in partnership with Drug-Free Task Force and Positive YOUth, launched holiday media campaign that reached over 3,000 community members. Initiative included 4 posts in English and Spanish, 2 video PSAs (“Happy Holidays”, and “Safe New Year”), and 1 Podcast (“Home for the Holidays”).
November 2020: Partnership with Positive YOUth helped create a podcast episode that highlighted “Digital Footprint” and consequences of posting about alcohol use on social media.
October 2020: Partnership with Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce for annual Golf Outing. Included information and demo Alcohol Fatal Vision Goggles.
September 2020: Held two (2) Youth events, “What’s Good Wednesday” to positively engage with youth, provide prevention information. 12 youth learned about stress and its links to alcohol and drug misuse, talked about stress’ impact on the body, and healthy coping mechanisms. Included games to learn about alcohol and 911 Lifeline legislation.
August 2020 – Reduced language barriers, published 3 PSAs in Spanish series for Safe Celebrations. Featured community member, Dr. Kenneth Sanchez, explaining effects of alcohol on teen brain; Gabriela Bonnevant, a community leader at YMCA Hunterdon; and Marcia Luna, a local parent, explaining importance of speaking with teens about alcohol.
Virtual Parent Event UAD “Don’t be a friend, be a parent”. Event featured speaker, Eavean Vallero, from “In a Split Second” documentary.
PSA created by Jackie Nirvana, “Summer Activities”, featured local teen having fun without alcohol.
July 2020 – “Congrats Grads” Banners and Yard Signs. Partnered with key stakeholders, all 5 Hunterdon regional High Schools, local businesses, and residents.
“Congrats Grads” video initiative reached 14,424 and featured messages from 13 community members, school superintendent and teachers, law enforcement, and business owners.
Held first Watch Party for “Casey” (2019) on Facebook. Overall, “Casey” (2019) has over 16,000 reaches.
“Step up for a cause” will feature UAD prevention as week 1, starting Sunday, June 28. Encouraged members to join and share. Step-a-thon challenge will include daily UAD blurbs, with links to our information pages.
Star Ledger ad, UAD Celebrate responsibly, don’t drink and drive messaging.
June 2020 – Partnered with Hunterdon Central High School for 3 virtual “Teen Safety Night” events that reached 1,100 Junior students and parents/guardians. Annual event and policy change that requires Juniors and their adults to attend prevention event for parking eligibility their Senior year. Additional partnership with Hunterdon Central’s Code Club launched new “HELP APP – Prevention Resources”, student made app for resources in substance use, mental health, and bullying prevention.
March-June 2020: We have worked with schools to help fill educational classroom requirements for health classes, including 2 prevention contests. Aimed to engage students with prevention projects in both Hunterdon and Somerset counties. Students were asked to watch documentaries, (Fentanyl Factor, Pills to Heroin, In a Split Second), and discuss creative solutions on a community level. “Prevention Scholarship Contest” and was also offered in Spanish to reduce language barriers. Received essays in both English and Spanish. Reached 17, 566 community members. In addition, “Tackling Prevention Contest”, Safe Coalition partnered with Immaculata High School to allow this project to fill a Health Class or Gym requirement for students. Scholarship contest winners received scholarship and certificates.
April 2020 – Launched a comprehensive, week-long “Spring Break Challenge” event for Elementary through High School aged youth. 118 Total number of target population participants for Spring Break Challenge. Provided Information covered all workgroup initiatives; UAD, Rx, Marijuana, and Vaping. Provided Support to teens during global crisis. Enhanced Skills of targeted population to learn about substance abuse via Kahoot! Games and other activities.
March 2020 – Partnership with Lord & Taylor, provided UAD safe prom information to at least 15 attendees. Soft launch of “Make it a Night to Remember” brochure, Parents that Host Lose the Most rack cards, and more.
February 2020 – 20 HCYC (Hunterdon County Youth Coalition) members implemented Underage Drinking Prevention Sticker Shock initiative in both English and Spanish; reached 10,000 community members, partnered with 9 local restaurant businesses. Also implemented Underage Tobacco Purchase Prevention Sticker Shock initiative; reached 1,232 community members, partnered with 9 local restaurant businesses.
October 2019 – Hunterdon County Youth Coalition Meeting. HCYC Members presented Vaping and UAD logic models and discussed prevention strategies.
September 2019 – UAD Presentation to about 40 Hospital Residents at Hunterdon Medical Center. Provided information on local conditions, strategies and interventions, and related materials including Parents Hold the Key, UAD Rack Card, and more.
Spring and Summer – Partnered to prevent underage drinking during prom and graduation season: As safe teen alternatives like Project Graduation are being cancelled throughout the County, Schools and parents are faced with additional challenges to prevent teen drinking this Prom and Graduation season.
Safe Communities Coalition partnered with local High Schools to implement Pre-Prom and Graduation Alcohol Awareness Campaign; included Parents that Host lose the most banners, lawn signs, and rack cards; Parents Hold the Key Brochures; Do you know the Law Campaign posters, and more.
Annual Teen Safety Nights at Hunterdon Central Regional High School (HCRHS), in partnership with Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office and State Farm, reached roughly 1600 students (11th graders), parents, and staff.
This event marked the launch of our new “Parents Hold the Key” campaign, which encourages safe storage methods for both alcohol and medicines in the home.
This event also included Safe Homes Pledge, where 392 parents of teens pledged not to serve underage. Parents were provided Window Decals to indicate their pledge in a front door or window of their home.
South Hunterdon also expanded reach of “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” Campaign Lawn Signs, posted on sidewalk in Lambertville.
Delaware Valley High School featured Parents Hold the Key Brochure and Parent Handbook on their school’s homepage.
North Hunterdon High School’s Students Against Drunk Driving, and Voorhees High School both featured a real crashed car this season as a visual for consequences of drinking and driving, parked at School entrance.
Voorhees held two Concert evening events that included a Coalition information table. Coalition Members handed out at least 450 materials to Parents, Students, and Faculty.
Voorhees also worked to address a local drinking and driving tragedy that occurred last summer with a student-made video PSA, “Casey”. The PSA can be viewed on our website, (njprevent.com/ParentsHoldTheKey).
Safe Communities Coalition recognized the Student that created the PSA with a scholarship at Voorhees Student Awards Night, May 2019.
Regional Project Director for Safe Communities Coalition, Lesley Gabel, lgabel@njprevent.com
Hunterdon Safe Communities Coalition Chair, Amy Menes, amenes@njprevent.com
Somerset Safe Communities Coalition Chair, Jerri Collevechio, jcollevechio@njprevent.com
Safe Communities Coalition hosts monthly virtual meetings. Contact Coalition Coordinator, Amanda Kovacs akovacs@njprevent.com for more information.

The Help App was developed by Prevention Resources and the Hunterdon Central Code Club. This application provides resources and hotlines for teens and families.
Overdose Prevention Act
New Jersey former Gov. Chris Christie signed a law that encourages people to report drug overdoses without fear of being arrested. Under the law, those who call 911 to report overdoses will be immune from arrest and prosecution for drug possession if they 1.) Call 911, 2.) Stay with the person; 3.) Speak with authorities when they arrive. This law also protects the person overdosing.
Signs of overdose:
- Passing out, semi-conscious
- Cold, pale or bluish skin
- Vomiting
- Slow or irregular breathing
- Seizures
El ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey, Chris Christie, firmó una ley que alienta a las personas a denunciar las sobredosis de drogas sin temor a ser arrestadas. Según la ley, aquellos que llaman al 911 para informar una sobredosis serán inmunes al arresto y al procesamiento por posesión de drogas si 1.) Llaman al 911, 2.) Permanezcan con la persona; 3.) Habla con las autoridades cuando lleguen. Esta ley también protege a la persona que toma una sobredosis.
Signos de sobredosis:
- Desmayo, semiconsciente
- Piel fría, pálida o azulada
- Vómitos
- Respiración lenta o irregular
- Convulsiones

Documentaries and Podcasts
Underage Drinking Prevention Workgroups of Hunterdon and Somerset counties collaborate with our community's key stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions in preventing and reducing underage drinking.

STOP & Think
STOP & Think initiative is funded in part by Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act.